
Amy Hanson
Director of WSHS Vocal Music & Theatre Arts
HS Courses: Concert Choir, Treble Choir, Introduction to Theatre, Theatre Arts
Director: Show Choirs (Salem Singsations & Vivace!), Summer Musical, Fall Play, Winter Play, Middle School Musical Tech, Summer Drama Camp for K-8 Kids, Community Theatre, Drama Club Advisor
Education: Viterbo University - 1994-Bachelor of Music Education - Vocal and General Music
2002-Masters of Arts in Education, 2010-Theatre Education
Dan Heerts
Heider Center Arts Director
WSHS Technical Theatre Director
Education: Viterbo University - 1994 Bachelor of Arts in Theatre, University of Northern Iowa - 1997 Master of Arts in Theatre Technology & Design

Lisa Jones
K-4 General Music
Education: Viterbo University - Bachelor of Music Education - Vocal & General
Viterbo University - Masters in Educational Leadership Administration

Elissa Kinstler
5-8th General Music and 6-8th Grade Band; District Odyssey of the Mind Coordinator
Education- UW-Stevens Point 2006 Bachelor's in Music Education- Instrumental Music
Concordia University-Portland 2019 Masters in Educational Leadership

David W. Kies
Director of WSHS Instrumental Music
HS Courses: Wind Symphony, Concert Band
Jazz Band, Pep Band, HS Marching Band, Summer Musical Pit Director, Leadership Team
Education: University of Wisconsin Eau Claire-1994 Bachelor of Music Education-Instrumental

Kelli Martin
HS Assistant Band Director, Salem Sound Show Band Director, Elementary General Music Teacher, Accompanist, Summer Musical Music Director
Education: Lakeland College - 1997 Bachelor of Arts in Instrumental and General Music Education

Elle Nimm
6-8th grade Choir, 5th grade General Music, MS Show Choir, Middle School Musical Director
Education: Ripon College - 2005 Bachelor of Arts Vocal Performance & Music Education (Vocal/General); currently enrolled at Western Governors University Masters of Arts English Language Learning (PK-12)

Kim Volden
11th grade English Teacher, HS Forensics, HS/MS Assistant Play Director, Diversity Club Advisor
Education: University of Wisconsin La Crosse - 1998 Bachelor of Science - Instrumental; Viterbo University - 2010 Master of Arts in Servant Leadership

Ryan Waldhart
6-8th grade Band Director, MS Jazz Band, MS Marching Band
Education: University of Wisconsin La Crosse - 1998 Bachelor of Science - Instrumental; Viterbo University - 2010 Master of Arts in Servant Leadership